Construction Updates
Picturesque Franconia, built in 1941, has needed updating. Construction is underway and we are looking forward to a refreshed and gorgeous building. I would like to provide you with a sneak peek of what our building looks like. During construction, our ceilings will remain exposed and all classrooms will be held on the main level. Our Art, Library, Faculty Lounge, and Music rooms have been converted into classrooms. While construction is taking place, these specials will take place in your child(ren)’s classroom. Throughout the process, the building is being inspected to ensure your child(ren)’s safety. While school is in session, much of the construction will take place in the evenings or in confined spaces. Throughout the process, I will provide you with updates, pictures, and videos.
In Partnership,
Dr. Heineck, Principal
Important Information, Updates, and FAQs
- Car Rider and Bus Arrival/Dismissal Locations
- Construction Updates
- FAQ: Why is there construction at the school?
- FAQ: What is the construction timeline?
- FAQ: What does this mean for my student?
- FAQ: What if I have to drop off or pick up my child? Will traffic flow change?
- FAQ: Will the heat and air conditioning and water fountains work?
- FAQ: Will the school be dirty and dusty?
- FAQ: Will students still eat in the cafeteria and play in the gym?
- FAQ: Will there be construction workers in the school with students?